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Recipe: Thanksgiving Stuffing

Holidays > Thanksgiving
Sides > Starch

Ingredient Qty. Unit
Bob Evans Sage bulk sausage 1 lb
short stalks of celery 9 ea
large onions 2 ea
butter 1 1/2 c
salt and pepper to taste 1 ea
thyme to taste 1 ea
King size Stroehmann White Bread 2 ea
additional slices white bread 6 ea

1) Brown and chop up sausage into small pieces in a large skillet or pot.

2) Medium dice celery and onion, add to sausage.

3) Cook covered on low heat for ~15 minutes, stir occasionally

4) Melt butter into mixture

5) Cook 5-7 minutes on low heat with lid

6) While mixture cooks, break bread up into small pieces in large bowl.

7) Add salt, ground pepper and thyme to taste. Mix and taste, should not be too salty.

8) When sausage mixture is done, pour it over the bread cubes. Mix with a wooden spoon and hands until all bread gets moist.

9) If it isn’t moist enough, add 1-2 TBS hot water or melted better.

10) Let cool completely before stuffing the turkey—can refrigerate over night and stuff the next day. Taste testing is necessary and yummy.

11) Story: This recipe comes from Sean’s mom, Ellie. It is a famous family favorite—Sean prefers his cold, for breakfast.

1 12 lbs turkey amount

Ellie Albright

Recipe submitted by Sean

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